DIY Water Bath Canning

Here at Snow Joe, we’re big on conservation, which includes conserving what you’ve grown – like those delicious fruits and veggies you worked so hard to produce this summer (but we’ll also let it slide if you’ve stocked up on seasonal surplus from your local farmer’s market!). Canning is truly a simple practice with French origins dating back to the 1800's. Producing good healthy, clean food through this method of preservation is easy, inexpensive and fun once you get the hang of it. Just begin with a few jars of your favorite seasonal crop and build from there.

Back to Basics

The foods below give you the opportunity to prepare and enjoy a wide variety of home canning recipes, from excellent side dishes to delectable desserts. mitcons-fruits-vegetable-processing-course

  • Fruits
  • Jams
  • Jellies
  • Pickled foods
  • Preserves
  • Relishes
  • Salsas
  • Tomatoes
  • Vinegars

These foods contain enough acid (ph of 4 or less) so bacteria, which would be harmful to consume, cannot grow. The canning process involves safely boiling water to 180 degrees Fahrenheit, filling your jars with the chosen produce at their peak, and letting them process in a canner as the water continues to boil for an average of 30 minutes.

What You’ll Need

  • Tested preserving recipe. See some top rated recipes online here
  • Boiling water bath canner or a large, deep saucepot with a lid, and a rack
  • Glass preserving jars, lids and bands
  • Common kitchen utensils, such as wooden spoon, ladle and funnel
  • Fresh produce and other quality ingredients

Other Helpful Home Canning Toolscanning_technique_step8


  • Jar lifter
  • Secure-grip hot jar handler
  • Sure tight band tool

  Shop Ball Canning or Canning Supply and save on supplies     For step-by-step instructions with helpful illustrations click here You can also peruse a set of 7 guides published by the USDA : "Complete Guide to Home Canning” for free here Or watch this informative video.

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